20 SMS Marketing Statistics you Should know

20 SMS Marketing Statistics you Should know

SMS marketing services has rapidly risen to prominence as one of the most effective marketing channels. Discover a variety of SMS marketing statistics in this article that will get you excited about starting your SMS journey. SMS marketing has emerged as a highly...
6 Benefits of Text Marketing

6 Benefits of Text Marketing

As communication methods such as email marketing have oversaturated the market and led to a high amount of spam, businesses are now taking a more agile and direct approach by integrating text marketing into their everyday marketing strategies. SMS marketing is quickly...
SMS Invoicing: The Do’s and the Don’ts

SMS Invoicing: The Do’s and the Don’ts

Now that you have completed the job or task assigned to you, it’s time to receive your payment. Typically, you would send an email invoice and wait for the client to process it. Many invoices go unpaid primarily due to communication issues. Often, clients forget...
7 Tips for Text Messaging and SMS Compliance

7 Tips for Text Messaging and SMS Compliance

You’re here because you want to understand the laws and regulations before you start your text message marketing campaigns. To avoid getting penalized for an advertising campaign, it’s critical that you be fully aware of the SMS compliance guidelines. Luckily,...
SMS for Healthcare Providers

SMS for Healthcare Providers

Text Messaging (SMS) for Healthcare Providers Healthcare facilities are omnifarious workplaces around the clock – from walk-ins, paperwork filing, and most importantly, taking good care of patients. With SMS for healthcare, providers can focus less on...