A Top-Tier Resource for SMS Marketing

Check out what our team of marketing experts have to say on everything from SMS strategies to small business tips. 

SMS Data and Analytics: What To Track

SMS Data and Analytics: What To Track

Data and Analytics for SMS Marketing As your business grows, your marketing efforts are going to play an enormous role in ensuring that your growth is happening at the rate and in the direction that you want it to. However without tangible and trackable goals, your...

SMS vs Email: Which is Right for Your Business?

SMS vs Email: Which is Right for Your Business?

Higher Open Rates One of the primary advantages of using SMS over email is the higher open rates of SMS. According to one report, the open rate for SMS is 98%, compared to 20% for email. This makes sense if you think about how many emails we get hammered with on a...

How To Report a Spam Text

How To Report a Spam Text

How to Report Spam Text Messages  With the rise in popularity of SMS messaging services, there has also been an increase in the number of unsolicited or suspicious text messages being sent and recieved around the globe. With over 6 Billion text messages sent every...

Automatic Text Replies for Businesses

Automatic Text Replies for Businesses

Automatic Text RepliesAutomated Text Replies are texts sent in response to an inbound text without a user having to manually respond. They are typically sent after a set condition or trigger has been met. An automated reply message is a pre-written response that gets...

SMS vs MMS: How These Messages Are Different

SMS vs MMS: How These Messages Are Different

What are SMS & MMS and How Do They Differ?Texting is a part of everyday life for nearly everyone today. In your daily life, you are most likely sending and receiving both SMS and MMS, and may not even know what they are or how they differ. Sometimes these terms...

How to Call In Sick With a Text

How to Call In Sick With a Text

When is it Okay to Call or Text In Sick? Everyone gets sick or has to miss work for one reason or another. Sometimes, a slight cough or scratchy throat slowly gets worse over the course of a few days. Other times, it can hit all at once, and you wake up feeling like...

Top 10 SMS Marketing Trends in 2024

Top 10 SMS Marketing Trends in 2024

Personalized Marketing is Still Effective Customers Still Want You To Text Them. Out of the surveyed customers, 73% prefer marketing that works around their interests. This statistic highlights the importance of personalized marketing strategies that make customers...